Infocommunicational technology adoption: renew approaches

  • David S. M. Reyes González
    Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación. Santiago de Chile. dsmreyes[at]
  • Horacio Guevara Cruz
    Universidad Mesoamericana, Oaxaca, México


The educative innovation success/failure mainly depends in a big part of the way which educative entities represent, redefine, leak and give the shape to the proposed change. The expansion of the education toward new virtual formats, imply that the pedagogical conceptions be out of phase, which imply an unbalance between the informatical know-ledgment and the pedagogical IT use. This work do a theoric review of the differents models which are part of an IT adoption process in educational contexts in the teachers part. Under the supposed that the interaction result between the teachers and the IT do not depend of the way that the machines are presented but in how the teachers make a relational dynamism which is in compliance with its beliefs, a technological diagram is proposed of three levels with two transition phases between each them. The new planning pretends by one side to invigo-rate and to update the traditional focuses, besides being dispelled the conceptual doubts when we reffer to the technology and the pedagogical "uses".
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Reyes González, D. S. M., & Guevara Cruz, H. (2009). Infocommunicational technology adoption: renew approaches. Education in The Knowledge Society, 10(1), 134–150.


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