The virtual environments of learning as instrument of mediation


From the theoretical need for analysing in a pedagogical way the presence and use of the New of Information and Communication Technologies in the educational processes, the following article proposes to recognize, from a socio-cultural perspective, the Virtual Environments of Learning as an instrument of mediation, that is to say, as a component that adds to the educational activity two orientations: as structure of external action and a source for internal representation. Formulated this way, a virtual environment of learning orients itself towards proper ways of technological performance in the educational process. This simultaneously provokes in the pupils new forms of cognitive regulation that offer new opportunities and strategies as a condition of learning. This perspective is part of the pedagogic dimension necessary for an application and a pertinent orientation of learning in virtual formation.
  • Referencias
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Suárez Guerrero, C. (2016). The virtual environments of learning as instrument of mediation. Education in The Knowledge Society, 4(1).


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