Presence of pedagogy in the act of walking: homo viator, nomadism and training


This paper aims to explore the possibility of thinking about pedagogy through the act of walking from an interdisciplinary approach (philosophy, literature, history of education, philosophy of education). To do this, I carry out an exercise that involves three types of inputs: the first shows the figure of Homo Viator (man walking) through a traditional world-view (Jaspers, Dilthey) and the pedagogy of the human sciences (Spranger, Bollnow); later on, I study the relationship established between knowledge and nomadism from pedestrian experiences (Rousseau, Goethe, and Nietzsche); finally, I present a series of self-training and pedestrian practices of heteroeducation confirming the connection between this educational method and different pedagogical traditions (naturalism, culturalism and post-structuralism). This analysis has been carried out through the hermeneutics of different texts and authors.
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García Farrero, J. (2015). Presence of pedagogy in the act of walking: homo viator, nomadism and training. Education in The Knowledge Society, 15(4), 56–84.


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