Continuities and changes in school subjects: notes for a theory on curriculum history


This article explores approaches about curriculum history in Spain over the use the field concept. This discussion have been present in the History of Education around the last years. The field concept has been used for explain the change in school subjects, its knowledge, and curriculum policy. This methodological tool has been useful for analyze and explain the continuities and changes in curriculum policy and school subjects. The nature of the contribution of this concept to the study of curriculum change is assessed. The paper try to explain the different problems about the use of field concept within History of Education in Spain. First, I describe the discussion in Spain around this approach. Second, I analyze the use made of the term 'field' and its internal characteristics. Later on, through a serial of international studies, I analyze its connections to external group’s people and its relationship with these aspects. Finally, I end up with an outline of the future research for continue to improving this issue.
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González Delgado, M. (2015). Continuities and changes in school subjects: notes for a theory on curriculum history. Education in The Knowledge Society, 15(4), 262–294.


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