Intercultural and new technologies in music class of secondary education


Educational legislation of secondary school had to offer a series of changes in its contents, mainly for quality education was extended to all learners. This change of conceptual contents should not be the only one because the methodological strategies applied towards the teacher not only had to adapt to a culturally diverse student profile, but a desire of all participants to access new knowledge with new proposals developmentally appropriate technological characteristic of the society of which they are part. Since this article is intended to show the correct music classroom organization, not only in terms of space and materials, but also in terms of attitudes and values, as well as promoting the intelligent use of new information technologies and the communication, allow the teaching/learning music becomes an educational process that ensures intercultural harmony and egalitarian social coexistence.
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Bernabé Villodre, M. del M. (2013). Intercultural and new technologies in music class of secondary education. Education in The Knowledge Society, 14(2), 252–270.


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