An online pedagogical museum: design, development and evaluation

  • Carmen Álvarez Álvarez
    Universidad de Cantabria alvarezmc[at]
  • Marta García Eguren
    Red de Museos Etnográficos del Principado de Asturias


The websites of the Pedagogical Museums are a window open to the general public and specialists in the field of history and education. It is necessary that they offer a product online that capture the attention and interest of the visitor. In this article, we synthesized a case study in which we analyze the design and implementation of the web of one the Pedagogical Museums closer to the public at the national level, the Museum of Rural School of Asturias. We set to see its potential to attract and serve as a resource to a target audience: students in teacher training. This has been developed an evaluative study of the web whose purpose is to poll the opinion of students. In the light of the results obtained, we can consider that the website of the Museum could be an ideal and complementary space for teacher training.
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Álvarez Álvarez, C., & García Eguren, M. (2013). An online pedagogical museum: design, development and evaluation. Education in The Knowledge Society, 14(2), 192–227.


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