Peculiaridades psicológicas sobre la elección ocupacional de los estudiantes de secundaria
Resumen La formación de jóvenes bien formados, capaces de convertirse en especialistas altamente cualificados en el futuro, referentes en sus profesiones, requiere de una orientación profesional, así como de un desarrollo del interés hacia ese sector ocupacional, desde la edad escolar. La correcta elección de una profesión según sus capacidades será importante tanto para el estudiante como para la sociedad. De acuerdo con esto, el objetivo de este proyecto científico es el estudio de las peculiaridades psicológicas en la elección profesional de los estudiantes de secundaria. Los autores describen las características de los métodos de investigación sobre los intereses profesionales de los estudiantes de secundaria relacionados con su orientación ocupacional y se exponen los resultados de los experimentos. Para la realización de la parte empírica se seleccionaron estudiantes de los grados 10 y 11 de las clases de la escuela nº 21 de Aktau y los estudiantes de primer año de la Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering, que lleva el nombre de Sh. Esenov. La importancia teórica y práctica de las investigaciones realizadas radica en la identificación de los aspectos psicológicos de las opciones profesionales y de los fundamentos teóricos de la orientación ocupacional de los estudiantes de secundaria. Los resultados de la investigación pueden utilizarse por profesores de escuela y profesores universitarios y familias.
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Buley, N. V., Demchenko, T. S., Makushkin, S. A., Vinichenko, M. V., & Melnichuk, A. V. (2016). Human resource management in the context of the global economic crisis. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(S8), 160-165.
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Solaz-Portolés, J. J., Del Campo, Ó. J., & Sanjosé, V. (2016). An exploratory study on secondary education students’ preferences regarding science teaching methods: the case of a high school. Periódico Tchê Química, 13(26), 33-46.
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Vinichenko, M. V., Frolova, E. V., Maloletko, A. N., Bondaletov, V. V., & Rogach, O. V. (2016). Main directions of creating a favorable learning environment and labor protection in the interest of enhancing health of the personnel and students in education foundation. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1163-1174.
Viola, M. M., Musso, P., Ingoglia, S., Coco, A. L. & Inguglia, C. (2017). Relationships between career indecision, search for work self-efficacy, and psychological well-being in Italian never-employed young adults. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 13(2), 231-250. doi:
Watt, H. M. G., Richardson, P. W., Klusmann, U., Kunter, M., Beyer, B., Trautwein, U., & Baumert, J. (2012). Motivations for choosing teaching as a career: an international comparison using the FIT-choice scale. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(6), 791-805. doi:
Yovaysha, L. A. (1983). Problems of vocational guidance of schoolchildren. Moscow, Russian Federation: Pedagogika.
Bohndick, C., Kohlmeyer, S. & Buhl, H.M. (2017). Competencies and career choice motives: characteristics of high school students interested in teacher education programmes. Journal of Education for Teaching, 43(5), 1-8. doi:
Buley, N. V., Demchenko, T. S., Makushkin, S. A., Vinichenko, M. V., & Melnichuk, A. V. (2016). Human resource management in the context of the global economic crisis. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(S8), 160-165.
Costa, C. D. C., Rocha, J. R. C. D. (2017). Perception of environmental education process and production of solid waste for elementary school students. Periodico Tche Quimica, 14(28), 56-65.
Gati, I. & Asulin-Peretz, L. (2011). Internet-based self-help career assessments and interventions: challenges and implications for evidence-based career counseling. Journal of Career Assessment, 19(3), 259-273. doi:
Kimongo Kemboi, R. J., Kindiki, N. & Misigo, B. (2016). Relationship between personality types and career choices of undergraduate students: a case of Moi University, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice, 7(3), 102-112.
Kirillov, A. V. (2016). Planning to use, staff development planning, security planning and dismissal of staff. Materials of the Afanasiev Readings, 2(15), 91-99.
Kirillov, A.V. (2012). Social protection of the organization’s personnel. Materials of the Afanasiev Readings, 1(10), 150-156.
Klimov, ?. ?. (1971). School...and what further? Leningrad, Russian Federation: Lenizdat.
Klimov, ?. ?. (1990). How to choose the profession. Moscow, Russian Federation: Prosveshcheniye.
Klimov, ?. ?. (1996). Psychology of professional self-determination. Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation: Phoenix.
Kosov, B. B. (1984). Psychological problems of labour education and occupational guidance. Psychology Questions, 6, 16-25.
Kryagzhde, S. P. (1981). Psychology of formation of professional interests. Vilnius, Lithuania: Mokslas.
Kunnen, E. S. (2014). The effect of a career choice guidance on self-reported psychological problems. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 547. doi:
Nakhratova, E. E., Ilina, I. Y., Zotova, A. I., Urzha, O. A., & Starostenkov, N. V. (2017). Analysis of the relevence of educational programs for applicants and the labor market. European Research Studies Journal, 20(3A), 144-152.
Onoyase, D. & Onoyase, A. (2009). The relationship between personality and career Choice of secondary students in Federal government colleges in Nigeria. Nabraska: Delta State University Nigeria.
Rogach, O. V., Frolova, E. V., Medvedeva, N. V., Ryabova, T. M., & Kozyrev, M. S. (2017). State and public management of education: Myth or reality. Espacios, 38(25), 1-15.
Santisi, G., Magnano, P., Platania, S., & Ramaci, T. (2018). Psychological resources, satisfaction, and career identity in the work transition: an outlook on Sicilian college students. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 11, 187-195. doi:
Sazonov, A. D., Simonenko, V. D., Avanesov, B. C. & Bukhalov, V. I. (1988). Professional orientation of students. Moscow, Russian Federation: Prosveshcheniye.
Serrano-aroca, Á., Solaz-portolés, J.J. (2015). Polymers in compulsory secondary education and high school in Spain: Analysis of textbooks and teachers’ opinion. Periodico Tche Quimica, 12(24), 74-81.
Shadrikov, V. D. (1982). Problems of systemogenesis of occupational activity. Moscow, Russian Federation: Nauka.
Shadrin, N. I. (1999). Professional orientation of rural schoolchildren in market conditions. Kurgan, Russian Federation: Kurgan State University.
Silagadze, A. (2017). “Post-Soviet paradoxes” of unemployment rate. Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 11(1), 136-141.
Solaz-Portolés, J. J., Del Campo, Ó. J., & Sanjosé, V. (2016). An exploratory study on secondary education students’ preferences regarding science teaching methods: the case of a high school. Periódico Tchê Química, 13(26), 33-46.
Spearman, C. (1904). General intelligence, objectively determined and measured. Am J Psych, 15, 88. doi:
Ukke, Yu. V. (1972). Problems of the psychology of occupations in the United States. Questions of Psychology, 1, 169.
Vinichenko, M. V., Frolova, E. V., Maloletko, A. N., Bondaletov, V. V., & Rogach, O. V. (2016). Main directions of creating a favorable learning environment and labor protection in the interest of enhancing health of the personnel and students in education foundation. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1163-1174.
Viola, M. M., Musso, P., Ingoglia, S., Coco, A. L. & Inguglia, C. (2017). Relationships between career indecision, search for work self-efficacy, and psychological well-being in Italian never-employed young adults. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 13(2), 231-250. doi:
Watt, H. M. G., Richardson, P. W., Klusmann, U., Kunter, M., Beyer, B., Trautwein, U., & Baumert, J. (2012). Motivations for choosing teaching as a career: an international comparison using the FIT-choice scale. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(6), 791-805. doi:
Yovaysha, L. A. (1983). Problems of vocational guidance of schoolchildren. Moscow, Russian Federation: Pedagogika.
Nagymzhanova, K., Bapaeva, M., Koksheeva, Z., Kystaubayeva, Z., & Shakhmetova, D. (2019). Peculiaridades psicológicas sobre la elección ocupacional de los estudiantes de secundaria. Education in the Knowledge Society (EKS), 20, 8.
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