The Translation of Humour as a Pedagogical Tool in Second Language Teaching


The use of translation activities in the L2 classroom has been debated at length but «[…] little has been said about the methodology in which translation practice can be turned into a systematic pedagogical tool» (Calis & Dikilitas, 2012). Within the context of the Spanish Official Language School (ols), amongst others, the L2 teacher finds a multi-faceted challenge: students with different ages, educational and even social profiles, manifold motivations to study English, special learning needs, etc. We believe that translation can be a very valuable educational tool that offers many possibilities provided sessions are carefully planned and activities are thoroughly designed. Additionally, humour may reveal itself as a highly interesting vehicle to learn many linguistic and cultural aspects especially at the highest levels. Here we suggest a methodology for English as L2 which includes translation exercises and in which humour is an integral element. We offer a model activity in several sessions that would be ideal for the highest ols levels (B2/C1), and that is partly inspired in the activities that teachers in the Translation and Interpreting degree use during their lessons at University.
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Author Biography

Laura Vegara Fabregat

Escuela Oficial de Idiomas
Profeora asociada del departamento de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Murcia (2008-2017).Profesora funcionaria interina de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas (2016-2018)Traductora jurada de inglés