Educational use of RA: experiences in Spain and Mexico

  • Julio Barroso-Osuna
    Universidad de Sevilla jbarroso[at]
  • Julio Cabero-Almenara
    Universidad de Sevilla
  • Rubicelia Valencia Ortiz
    Instituto Latinoamericano de Comunicación Educativa


Since the last published studies, it points to Augmented Reality (ar), as technology that will strongly impact education, in different educational levels and areas. This article describes two experiences of its incorporation into a variety of educational levels, one at the university level and the other at the infant and primary level. The first one refers to a multicase research, meanwhile the next one presents a proposal for innovation in the aforementioned levels. The results obtained in the two studies presented, allow us to corroborate those achieved in other investigations, finding ourselves faced with technology that can be used in different educational areas and levels, although for the majority of the cases it is imperative to create production centers for these objects, without losing sight of their true curricular integration, sound pedagogical design it as is carried out some research that provide us with clues about their design and use in the field of education.
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Author Biography

Julio Barroso-Osuna

Universidad de Sevilla
Universidad de Sevilla. Calle San Fernando, 4, 41004 Sevilla (España)