Desarrollo de un cuestionario para evaluar las competencias psicosociales de los estudiantes de psicología previas a una experiencia de aprendizaje colaborativo

  • Mª. Teresa Vega Rodríguez
    Universidad de Salamanca mayteveg[at]
  • Mercedes Sánchez
    Universidad de Salamanca


The purpose of this research is to develop a questionnaire that evaluates the psychosocial competencies that students who attend social psychology expect to acquire as a result of a collaborative project-based learning process. Its compilation responds to the need to measure psychosocial constructs that have barely been studied in the teaching of social psychology in an environment of collaborative learning. Moreover, its responds to the need of brief scales development to avoid redundancies and fatigue when responding. Socio-cognitive and affective studies were used as the basis for drafting a questionnaire that was administered to second-year undergraduates in Psychology. The sample consists of 203 students studying the compulsory subject Social Psychology. The average age of 20 years old. The questionnaire’s psychometric properties were studied by combining the perspective of the classic approach of the theory of tests and exploratory factor analysis with confirmatory factor analysis and biplot geometry. The items were specifically drafted for this research, taking into account a review of the literature on competencies among university students, the specific characteristics of the situation of practicals based on group projects. Psychometric analyses confirmed a multidimensional structure made up of six factors with high overall internal consistency: attitude toward social psychology, self-perception as a student, expectations on competencies, practical self-efficacy and emotional state. The questionnaire provides a reliable measure of the cognitive, attitudinal and affective-emotional competencies perceived by the students themselves that will significantly underscore their academic achievements and their professional careers. The questionnaire helps lecturers to understand what students think about their own level of competencies in order to manage a hands-on teaching project that responds to the subject’s purpose.
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Author Biographies

Mª. Teresa Vega Rodríguez

Universidad de Salamanca
Dept. Psicología Social y AntropologíaTitular de Universidad

Mercedes Sánchez

Universidad de Salamanca
Dept. de Estadística. Facultad de Medicina