Educational processes in Early Childhood Education through graphic design and writing

  • María Luisa Benitez Sánchez
    Escuela internacional de doctorado UNED
  • Cristina Sánchez Romero
    UNED. Facultad de Educación csanchez[at]


This research shows how developing handstroke and writing through experiential movement facilitates learning and improves motor skills, spatial awareness, the trajectory of the stroke and the execution of handwriting. The sample for this study is made up of 113 early years children (most of them 5 years old) from 5 different public schools and socio-cultural backgrounds. The evaluation techniques used consisted of a test to measure the subjects’ writing level and a questionnaire for their teachers. The results show that students become more familiarised with the intricacies of western handwriting through experienced movement and creative learning. Among the conclusions we emphasize that educating the graphic gesture from the motive movement is a powerful alternative in Infantile Education because it facilitates the resolution of the learning problem of the layout and the writing; The results show that being a way to teach more playful, dynamic and creative than the traditional system and being the protagonist child, he assumes it as his own. In this way, help and positive assessment is promoted for the acquisition of skills that lead to learning to learn.
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Author Biographies

María Luisa Benitez Sánchez

Escuela internacional de doctorado UNED
Profesora de Educación Infantil.Doctoranda de la Escuela Internacional de Doctorado de la UNED. Facultad de EducaciónEIDUNED

Cristina Sánchez Romero

UNED. Facultad de Educación
Secretaria de la Facultad de Educación.Profesora del Departamento de Didáctica, Org. Esc y DD.EE.UNED, Facultad de EducaciónDespacho 243.C/ Juan del Rosal, 14 28040 MADRID