Neuropsychology and education: Creativity, multiple intelligences and academic performance in primary education

  • José Joaquín Caldera Ortiz
    Director CEIP Rufino Blanco
  • Fátima Llamas-Salguero
    Universidad Internacional de la Rioja fatima.llamas[at]
  • Verónica López-Fernández
    Universidad Internacional de la Rioja


Creativity and multiple intelligences, neuropsychological variables, related to education, are the fundamental pillars to work in today’s classrooms. Teacher training, new strategies, tools and methodological applications are essential and fundamental for the generation of knowledge in the student. The main objective of this study is to analyze the relationships between neuropsychological variables: multiple intelligences, academic performance and creativity. To carry out the study, a sample of 66 students from the primary education stage of the Rufino Blanco public school in the town of Encinasola (Huelva) was selected. The level of multiple intelligences of each student has been measured through the Multiple Intelligence Detection Questionnaire for McKenzie Elementary students (1999) and creativity through the crea Creative Intelligence Test (Corbalán et al., 2003) . The data needed to complete the variable academic performance have been obtained through the Seneca administrative management system. The analysis of the information gathered in this research has been carried out from a double perspective: descriptive, at first the data obtained for each one of the variables that are object of study and correlational will be classified, since the next step was correlations between the different variables. The results obtained show the existence of positive and statistically significant correlations between academic performance and multiple intelligences and non-statistically significant correlations between creativity and academic achievement and creativity and multiple intelligences.
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