Analysis of the edited curricular material for early chilhood education and its use in the classroom

  • Rosa María Santamaría Conde
    Universidad de Burgos rsantamaria[at]
  • Teresa Alonso Pedrosa
    CEIP Fernando de Rojas, Burgos


Early childhood education, although not being compulsory in our educational system, constitutes a stage of great importance in the development of the child, and of fact most of the children between three and six years old are enrolled in school. For this reason, an analysis of the curricular materials that have been published by the different publishing and the implication of their use in the classrooms has been developed, constituting the first approximation of the child to the process of the teaching-learning process through printed material. The study was developed in the second cycle of Early Childhood Education, taking as a reference the public educational centers of Burgos (most they are centers that also give Primary Education). Once the bibliographic material has been selected, a categorical study has been carried out analyzing the following variables: material for the use of the students and teachers in the classroom, centers of interest, analysis of the descriptive scope, the function of the educational intentions, the materials with proposals for different activities, attention to diversity, and finally, formal aspects. The data reveal that a high percentage of the curricular materials are edited in the form of a curricular package and to a lesser extent in self-sufficient material (projects). The material published in this period presents its contents in the form of globalized programming in a largemajority, appearing the contents in a superimposed way around a center of interest and completely globalized. We find a variety of materials that respond to the needs of teachers, although, we can confirm that no material has been found to group the work without differentiating sections, which means a subsequent contextualized reorganization of this material to meet the specific characteristics of the students.
  • Referencias
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Santamaría Conde, R. M., & Alonso Pedrosa, T. (2018). Analysis of the edited curricular material for early chilhood education and its use in the classroom. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 36(1), 41–61.


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Author Biographies

Rosa María Santamaría Conde

Universidad de Burgos
Doctora en Pedagogía y Profesora Titular de Universidad. Directora del Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Burgos. Concedido 1 sexenio de investigación.

Teresa Alonso Pedrosa

CEIP Fernando de Rojas, Burgos
Maestra funcionaria de Educacioón Infantil. Ha ejercido distintos cargos de gestión.