Values learning througth tales in chilhood education

  • Verónica Marín-Díaz
    Universidad de Córdoba vmarin[at]
  • Carmen Sánchez-Cuenca
    CIP Alcalde Ruíz Jiménez


The learning of values established in today’s society is vital for the growth of the individual in a way that today is a premium in the community in which their live. Their learning is dependent at previous train, which it begins in childhood education level. In the other hand, teaching at this level is supported on the reading of traditional tales, which has a great representation of the values socially accepted today, hence that education in values had a great relevant and needs a study in this School level. By a ex post facto study, used a descriptive an comparative-casual design, be presented the opinion of teachers and pre-service teachers on this academic level in the Cordoba province (N = 411), about if the value of cooperation and/or mutual help can be learned by the children through the tales and used of traditional methodologies. Through the application a questionnaire create ad hoc conformed with 19 tales and 5 values, according to classification made by Marín and Sánchez (2015) and used a scale to scale type Likert to answered, where 1 was totally disagree and 5 totally in disagreement, it preceded the collection of data. The principal results are the younger teachers consider that all the tales offered (19) are valid to learn this value. In consequence we can question, if lack of professional experience can be an element that determines the use of traditional methodologies for the learning of this particular value and all in general.
  • Referencias
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