Exploratory study of the relationship between the musical, visuospatial, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence and drive creativity in the process of learning


Currently, the Spanish educational system focuses its attention on the development of priority subjects such as language and mathematics versus other secondary such as music (Palacios, 2006), without considering numerous neuropsychological research that provides new theories of mind and learning that can positively influence the transformation of current educational models (Martin-Lobo, 2015). This research aims to determine the relation between musical intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, intelligence visuospatial and motor creativity in a sample among 5 years old students from the last year of Early Childhood Education. The instrument used to assess the three intelligences, based on Gardner’s theory, was the Multiple Intelligences questionnaire for children of pre-school age (Prieto and Ballester, 2003); for the evaluation of motor creativity was used Test of Creative Thinking in Action and Movement (Torrance, Reisman and Floyd, 1981). A descriptive and correlational statistical analysis (using the Pearson correlation index) applying the Microsoft Excel program along with the supplement known as Ezanalyze. The results indicated no significant relationship between musical intelligence and motor creativity (p = 0.988); the visuospatial intelligence and motor creativity (p = 0.992); and the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence and motor creativity (p = 0.636). Although there was significant relation between the musical and visuospatial intelligence (p = 0.000); the musical and bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (p = 0.000); and the bodily-kinesthetic and visuospatial intelligence (p = 0.025).
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