Prenatal pedagogy in the studies of Teaching Degree of Infant Education in the University of Huelva: study of the analysis of didactic guides and the perspective of the students

  • María Cinta Aguaded Gómez
  • María Teresa Aracama Salas
    Universidad de Huelva
  • Analba Macías Hermoso
    Universidad de Huelva


This study intends to offer a different vision of the concept of prenatal pedagogy, deeply linked to children’s sanitary need. We will try to find out its importance in the university scope through students’ opinions and the analysis of the didactic program of Early Childhood Education Degree.In order to achieve this, we have set ourselves the general objective of gathering information from university students of the Early Education Degree about the importance of training in prenatal education for their future work as teachers, considering that they are the most involved in the education of children in their early stages. Furthermore, we intend to reckon the relevance given to this content by the University of Huelva, one of the educational institutions responsible for teacher training.The data were collected through questionnaires applied to a sample of 58 3rd-4th level students of Early Childhood Education at the University of Huelva. This instrument was selected for the suitability of its application collectively. Moreover, an analysis of the didactic programs of the courses of this degree was carried out to verify the existence of contents of prenatal pedagogy within them.From this research it is derived that certain notions of prenatal pedagogy are essential to become future nursery teachers, thus providing a greater amount of resources when facing our students’ learning process.In conclusion, we checked that the university students surveyed believe that it is necessary to have notions of prenatal pedagogy so as to become efficient teachers. The lack of this notion in the didactic programs represents a formative gap that will have negative repercussions on their initial formation and, consequently, on their educational practice. Therefore, the educational institutions in charge of the preparation of new teachers should consider including prenatal pedagogy within their didactic programs.
  • Referencias
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Aguaded Gómez, M. C., Aracama Salas, M. T., & Macías Hermoso, A. (2017). Prenatal pedagogy in the studies of Teaching Degree of Infant Education in the University of Huelva: study of the analysis of didactic guides and the perspective of the students. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 35(2), 141–159.


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Author Biographies

María Cinta Aguaded Gómez

Universidad de Huelva
Facultad de CC. EE

María Teresa Aracama Salas

Universidad de Huelva
Facultad de CC. EE

Analba Macías Hermoso

Universidad de Huelva
Facultad de CC. EE