Learning styles and multiple intelligences in the teaching-learning of Spanish as a foreign language


This paper examines two theoretical constructs: Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences as variables in the teaching-learning process of Spanish as a Foreign Language. The group learning profile has been analyzed through the use of the Questionnaire of Honey-Alonso of Learning Styles (CHAEA, 2007) and Silver and Strong Questionnaire for Multiple Intelligences (2000) while learning journals have been utilized to triangulate the data obtained through the questionnaires. Three moderate correlations have been found among the variables of both constructs: Linguistic Intelligence-Reflexive Style; Linguistic Intelligence-Theoretical Style; and Musical Intelligence-Active Style. Both theories have been employed in a Spanish course which gives students options for the selection of activities and assignments. Using a quasi-experimental design, the implications of this intervention have been investigated, and the results have shown an improvement in the performance of the experimental group as against that of the control group. Conclusively, students with a high preference for the Reflective and Theoretical Style seem to have demonstrated a better overall performance.
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Author Biography

Esperanza Luengo-Cervera

University of Trinidad and Tobago
Center for Education Programmes. University of Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago. O’Meara Campus. Lots 74-98 O’Meara Industrial. Arima. Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies