Compulsory secondary education teachers astronomical knowledge and methodological preferences for astronomy teaching


Astronomy is part of the scientific curriculum in compulsory education. It includes some basic traditional concepts as seasons, lunar phases, the movements of the Earth, eclipses…, but leaves aside some other more contemporary concepts such as exoplanets and cosmology. In the first place, this paper focuses on the level of basic knowledge on astronomy basic concepts by secondary education (ESO) teachers, in order to detect possible training gaps and alternative conceptions. The study included teachers of scientific and non-scientific specialities from ESO. Afterwards a correlation analysis was carried out based on several variables, including a comparison with the results obtained by a large group of ESO students. Secondly, the article focuses on studying the methodological preferences for teaching and learning Astronomy, with the same participants as in the previous case, aiming to know their ratings on various proposals, some of them quite innovative. The results can be of use as guidance for further studies of larger samples, in order to determine specific training needs in Astronomy in the case of teachers of science subjects. In addition, they will also be useful as methodological guidance in addressing the teaching of astronomy.
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Author Biography

José Luis García Herrero

IES Carmen Martín Gaite (Navalcarnero)
I.E.S Carmen Martín GaiteCarretera Cadalso de los Vidrios s/n - 28600 Navalcarnero – Madrid (España)