Concept maps of the subcomponents of competences in the new university degrees

  • Genoveva Leví Orta
    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) genovevalevi[at]
  • Eduardo Ramos Méndez
    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)


This paper presents the results of an investigation directed to the elaboration of a dictionary of concepts, related to components and subcomponents of competences, which may be identified in the lists of competences which necessarily must include the new university degrees adapted to the European Space for Higher Education. The methodology used is based on Text mining ideas and procedures applied to a sample of documents of formulating competences of different grades taken from several Spanish universities, public and private, along with some documents used as reference by many of the universities in designing the new degrees. Based on the concepts of the dictionary, the documental corpus was endowed with a structure founded on the codification of competences formulations with these concepts. The structure introduced in the corpus of documents allowed us to identify educational profiles characteristic of each degree described in terms of the various components and subcomponents of competences. In addition, considering the corresponding coefficient of proximity between the concepts in the dictionary and the application of the techniques of multidimensional scaling and correspondence analysis allowed to create maps of concepts to represent the closeness or distance between the different subcomponents of competences, to identify cluster of similarity among them, to found neighborhood cluster in degrees and to establish levels of proximity between the various concepts and degrees. The results obtained about the similarities between grades and proximity to the various subcomponents of competencies largely agree with that expected a priori taking into account the subjects included in their curriculum and the traditional division into branches of knowledge and university schools.
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Leví Orta, G., & Ramos Méndez, E. (2013). Concept maps of the subcomponents of competences in the new university degrees. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 30(2), 23–43. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Genoveva Leví Orta

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Departamento de Didáctica, Organización Escolar y Didácticas Especiales. Facultad de Educación – UNED. C/ Juan del Rosal, 14 - 28040 (Madrid)

Eduardo Ramos Méndez

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Departamento de Didáctica, Organización Escolar y Didácticas Especiales. Facultad de Educación – UNED. C/ Juan del Rosal, 14 - 28040 (Madrid)