Teaching teamworks with Internet collaborative tools

  • Carlos Iglesias Alonso
    Universidad de Burgos ciglesias[at]ubu.es
  • Fernando Lezcano Barbero
    Universidad de Burgos


This article presents an innovative educational experience developed during the past academic year, 2010-2011, in the framework of ARCE (Association of Education Centres) of the Ministry of Education. Experience has allowed the formation of an educational group formed by three schools of secondary education and geographically distant from three different regions: the CIFP Juan de Colonia from Castilla y León, IES Virgen de la Esperanza from Andalucia and Extremadura IES from Extremadura. The information and communication technologies (ICTs) have become an essential tool in education today and should be applied to all players in the field of education: students, teachers and families. This experience focuses on teachers’ fundamental role in education and specifically in the use of collaborative tools on their part to develop a common project. The use of these collaborative tools, such as a wiki, has allowed on one hand to carry out the activities that are part of the project and to monitor the project status at any time, the enabling each center to know, in real time, the status, and the difficulties encountered in the activities. The accomplishment of a joint project among several schools allows the exchange of experiences to know the educational practices that are carried out in other schools, in other regions, thus enriching the educational process of the center itself and therefore the education that students receive.
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Iglesias Alonso, C., & Lezcano Barbero, F. (2013). Teaching teamworks with Internet collaborative tools. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 30(1), 115–135. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/tres/index.php/0212-5374/article/view/9300


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Author Biographies

Carlos Iglesias Alonso

Universidad de Burgos
Ingeniería Civil/Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos. Universidad de Burgos. C/ Francisco de vitoria, s/n 09006 Burgos (España)

Fernando Lezcano Barbero

Universidad de Burgos
Ciencias de la Educación/Didáctica y Organización Escolar. Facultad de Humanidades y Educación, Universidad de Burgos. C/ Villadiego s/n - 09001 Burgos (España)