The Webquest and educational innovation in the field of Road Safety Education


The Road Safety Education in the early ages can be implemented through stories, workshops, Kids’ corner, playgrounds, school outings, psychomotor activities. However, it is important to emphasize the role of Information Technologies and Communication in the enrichment of the proposed class in relation to road safety education, taking them as a resource, in our context, the Webquest. Not forgetting the need to continue working with children related to real situations in their life experiences Driver Education, as the real world should never be displaced by the virtual world in any case, especially bearing in mind that this is Stage of Education. The overall objective of this paper is to confirm that the Webquest is a real opportunity to innovate in the field of road safety education, providing learning experiencies to students consistent with and complement from the stage of primary education. The methodology, quantitative and qualitative, was developed through the application of a questionnaire, interview, documentary analysis and triangulation, and ending with the analysis of the data. One of the conclusions states that the Webquest is a resource that provides us with the teaching-learning process and increases motivation in both students and educators.
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Goig Martínez, R. M. (2013). The Webquest and educational innovation in the field of Road Safety Education. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 30(1), 63–84. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Rosa María Goig Martínez

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Facultad de Educación - UNED C/ Juan del Rosal, 14 - 28040 Madrid (España)