Peer mediation encourages student learning and context interaction

  • Concepción Monge Crespo
    Maestra, licenciada en Pedagogía ?[at]


Teenagers share time with «peers», with friends, while enjoying and feeling understood and accepted by them. For students of ESO, peers hold a central place in their life, hence their multiple and diverse experiences, for the most part, are performed along with them. During one course, the 2009/2010 academic year, I proposed that they also should share their educational tasks, support each other, help one another, and together achieve better and more efficiently the proposed objective: to pass learning together. Nowadays before this society, framed by new technologies of information and communication, it becomes very necessary for students to work in teams, think critically and creatively and think about their own learning process. Likewise, many studies hold that learning is most successful when it meets certain requirements such as: Taking place in real situations, having a direct and qualified feedback about lear- ning, working together in solving a problem, reflect on their performance and being able to perceive one’s self as competent persons capable of action. Relying on these conditions and knowing that learning is primarily a social process in which students learn best in collaboration with: peers, teachers, parents and/or other context agents where they live and interact provided they are actively engaged in meaningful and interesting tasks.This research was conducted with students from 2º ESO.
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Monge Crespo, C. (2012). Peer mediation encourages student learning and context interaction. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 29(2), 147–164. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Concepción Monge Crespo

Maestra, licenciada en Pedagogía
Maestra, licenciada en Pedagogía y doctora en Ciencias de la Educación