An approach for integrating media education into everyday school-life and instruction at secondary school level


The new media as a challenge for school education require to redefine its aims and methods. It is no longer sufficient to transmit knowledge and help young people to build up special competences. In addition and primarily they must learn to deal with unknown problems in the future, with uncertainty and insecurity, with an increasing lot of information, changing knowledge and truth and with the unknown. Therefore school must help students to build up flexible structures of operational thinking and orientation, abstract conceptual frames, phantasy and creativity and acquire the capability of learning to learn, to reorganize learning structures and knowledge and the ability for lifelong learning. within this context media in schools have two fundamental functions: they are instruments of teaching-learning-processes as well as subject matter helping students to acquire media competence. Our approach to integrated media education for secondary schools can be characterized as follows: It should imply all sorts of media, it should involve all teachers and embrace all subject matters (lessons). There should no longer be made a distinction between media education and computer literacy because of the integration of all media on the basis of ongoing digitalization. The different media with their specific capacities should be used naturally as a means of improving teaching and learning, as tools for problem-solving and coping with tasks, and as instruments of communication and self-reflexion, of documentation and formation, of expression and publicity. The realization of a sustainable media education is confronted with two difficulties: 1. Most teachers mostly are not trained for media education and they fear the great burden of this task. 2. Media education requires open forms and varying methods of instruction and specific media facilities must be at hand at any time and everywhere.
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Spanhel, D. (2011). An approach for integrating media education into everyday school-life and instruction at secondary school level. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 29(1), 181–190. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Dieter Spanhel

Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fakultät. Lehrstuhl Pädagogik II. Regensburger Str. 160 - 90478 Nürnberg. (Alemania)