Evaluation of the WebQuest as teaching resources in higher education


This paper tries to present a strategy for training university teachers in the design, implementation and evaluation of the webQuest as a teaching resource in their teaching methodology. The specific objectives that have guided this research are: to evaluate a teacher training strategy aimed at acquiring the skills necessary to make use of the webQuest in their teaching and to evaluate the use of this tool in university teaching practice in relation to the performance of pupils in terms of satisfaction. In addition to defining the characteristics and importance of technological tools applied to higher education, the structure and components of a webQuest and some experiences using this tool in the university context, this paper discusses the formation of teachers in the design and implementation of the webQuest, the results of students in the satisfying about working with this tool and the opinion of teachers with respect to its implementation as part of their teaching methodology.
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Rivera Patrón, Y. P. (2010). Evaluation of the WebQuest as teaching resources in higher education. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 28(1), 139–155. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/tres/index.php/0212-5374/article/view/7485


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Author Biography

Yuridia Paulina Rivera Patrón

Universidad de Cuautitlán
Universidad de Cuautitlán Izcalli. Av. Rancho del Jacal No. 100 - Col. Santa Rosa de Lima, Cuautitlán Izcalli, Méx. (México)