The education programming in residential


This article is framed in the ambit of what it could be denominated Social Education Didactics. It pretends systematize diverse methodological instruments related with the intervention in residences destined to the minoris protection. We purport to effect a comparison between the programming instruments used in the formal ambit of the school and those used in residential centers destined to the minoris protection. The most important elements of both ambits in -formal and no formal- are compared, indicating the risks that it would suppose making a mechanical removal. The basic instruments of the education programming in the minoris residential centers are presented, different as for concretion and temporality: The Curricular Project, Annual Plan of Intervention and Specific plans and the Individualized Educative Project. Finally, the theme of minoris centres evaluation is presented, making a difference between the programs evaluation, considered in general terms and the evaluation centred in the subjects of the educative process.
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Oliver Torelló, J. L. (2009). The education programming in residential. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 15. Retrieved from


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