Formal and nonformal education: an expenence on concept formation


This article is aimed at exploring the existing relationships between the logical structures and the intellective components which underlie in the configuration of the ideas and the concepts transmitted by formal and nonformal education on 6-7 years old subjects. The «school» concepts analyzed through drawing and language, achieving several conclusions. The most important one is that there is a reduction in the field of graphical representation with regards to the linguistic formulation of the concept: more general concerning its representation and more concrete with respect to its formulation; more according to reality at the linguistic level than at the pictorial one. What is more, throughout the accomplished analysis, the influence exerted by adults (mainly relatives) and other nonformal education media (television, tales, videotapes, and the like) is verified on the subjects under consideration. The influence of the formal education on the concept construction, although it is lesser than the nonformal one, is determined by the methodology used by the pupils' tutor, so that methodology has set up the basis in order to create the favourable conditions to achieve the teaching-learning process from the principles of modern educational psycology.
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Benítez Roca, M. V. (2009). Formal and nonformal education: an expenence on concept formation. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 15. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Maria Victoria Benítez Roca
