The use and knowledge of Physical Education contents on the Internet of students in the Second Cycle of Secondary School. Case study


The use of the new Information and Communications Technologies (icts), namely the Internet, has allowed the quantity and quality of the contents referring to Physical Education at Obligatory Secondary Education level to be increased. At the same time it has facilitated access to them by both pupils and teachers to an enormous extent. The creation of educational websites has allowed authorities to offer those interested a vast amount of information presented as monographs, articles, blogs, discussion forums, etc., all contributed by teachers, teaching centres, secondary schools and diverse schools across Spain. It is thus possible for the experiences and knowledge of many professionals and students to be shared, leading to a better knowledge and development of Physical Education as a curricular subject. The main goal of the study is to determine whether pupils from secondary education are aware of the contents of Physical Education available on the Internet and their willingness to use them in class. Through analysis of the questionnaire we conclude that the Internet is a very important tool for improving knowledge of the contents of Physical Education, and that there is a need to increase its use in class during school hours.
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Blanco Echeverría, A. (2014). The use and knowledge of Physical Education contents on the Internet of students in the Second Cycle of Secondary School. Case study. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 31(2), 69–92. Retrieved from


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Alberto Blanco Echeverría

Universidad de Camilo José Cela
Urb. Villafranca del Castillo, Calle Castillo de Alarcón, 49, 28692 Villanueva de la Cañada, Madrid