
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • El Envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha enviado a otra revista.
  • El título del artículo figura en español e inglés.

  • El autor ha indicado su nombre, su correo electrónico y la institución a la que pertenece.

  • Se incluye un resumen en español e inglés de 250-300 palabras.

  • El Fichero Enviado está en Formato de Microsoft Word, interlineado 1,5, tamaño de fuente 11, tipo de letra Arial y márgenes 3cm.
  • El artículo tiene una extensión entre 6.500 y 8.000 palabras,incluídas las referencias bibliográficas.

  • Todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas  están dentro del texto en el sitio que les corresponde.

  • La referencias bibliográficas cumplen la normativa APA.

Author Guidelines


Only articles that have not been published in other media are accepted for review..

1. Title: The full title of the article must appear on the first page in Spanish and English.

2. Identification of the author (see more information): The authors who submit the articles, thesis abstracts or reviews will be identified according to ORCID, persistent citation name <> with the following information:

  1. First name *
  2. Middle name
  3. Surnames*
  4. Higher institution (University, institution, company, etc.)
  5. Country
  6. Email*(institutional)
  7. URL or (optional)
  8. Postal address (eg, Department, University, street, number, ZIP code, locality, and country)

The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory for all authors, who submit an article / summary of thesis / review, individually or in co-authorship.


This information should only be written on the first page to ensure anonymity in the review process. The information in the text or in the references that identify the author / s of the manuscript including citations of the text and list of references should be annulled. These references can be reinserted in the last draft.

3. Summary and keywords (see more information): Summary in Spanish (250-300 words) and in English. Keywords (approximately 5-8) in the same languages. The structured summary should consist of:

        I.            Rationale - what makes the article different and of interest to others.

     II.            Goal - the purpose.

  III.            Methods - how your problem has developed and why the means you used were in accordance with the purpose.

  IV.            Results - what lessons you learned from your work, for yourself and for others.

    V.            Conclusions - what implications the findings might have for others.

These sections should not appear explicit in the summary as such epigraphs. The summary and keywords should allow readers to easily search and access the most relevant articles.

4. Text. Each article must be written with line spacing of 1.5 in word file format, body 11 and Arial typeface. Margins of 3 cm. Front and back spacing 0. Footnotes will have 9 points and single line spacing. Other formats are not accepted. The sections and sub-sections will be numbered. Abbreviations and acronyms must be mentioned in their literalness when they are mentioned for the first time. The pages must be numbered consecutively.

5. Extension. Articles must be between 6,500 and 8,000 words, including the list of references.

6. Tables and illustrations and figures will be inserted in the body of the text.

7. Bibliographical references (see more information): Articles must follow the guidelines contained in the "Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2001, 5th edition)".

They should be included in the text indicating the name of the author, with the year of publication in parentheses. If several articles belong to the same author and the same year, after the year of publication, a, b, c, etc. is cited. The references to the end of the text should be listed in the following way:

        I.            For books: Massey, W. R. and Jameson, W. M., Jr. (2001). Organizational behavior and the new internet logic (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

     II.            For articles: Loughran, J. and Corrigan, D. (1995). Teaching portfolios: A strategy for developing learning and teaching in preservice education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 11, 565-577.

  III.            For the chapters within the books: Marzano, R. J. (1994). Commentary on literacy portfolios: Windows on potential. In S. H. Valencia, E. H. Hiebert and P. P. E. Afflerbach (Eds.). Authentic reading assessment: Practices and possibilities (pp. 41-56). Newark, NJ: International Reading Association.

  IV.            For online documents: Standler, R. (2000). Plagiarism in colleges in the USA. Downloaded on December 5, 2007,

The titles of the journals should not be abbreviated.

8. Sending original items. The authors will submit their articles to the journal's secretariat through the OJS platform, registering as authors ( The submit must be accompanied by an acknowledgment through the e-mail of the journal revista

9. Literary property rights. It is a condition of publication that the authors assign the license rights CC BY NC ND to E & T. This allows us property to disseminate the article. Authors may use the article elsewhere after publication, provided the source is cited.

10. Valuation system. All articles sent to the Teaching & Teaching Journal will be assessed by two external reviewers in an anonymous and confidential manner, according to the peer review system (double blind) who will issue a report on the suitability or not of their publication, which will be taken into consideration by the Editorial Board. In case of discrepancy, the Editora - Director may request the review from a third evaluator.

11. Protocols. The evaluators will have an evaluation protocol that will be provided by the Secretary.

12. Communication with the authors. The Secretary of the Journal communicates the reception and the status of the evaluation process of the articles, as well as the corrections in case the evaluators recommend it.

13. Returns. Original items sent will not be returned.

14. Languages. Originals are accepted in Spanish and English.

15. Acknowledgment of receipt of receipt and communication of acceptance. Your reception will be acknowledged immediately and within a maximum period of four months your acceptance will be answered. Accessing through the platform the author will know at what moment is in the editorial flow.

16. Financial support, which the article has, will be cited expressly.

17. It is forbidden to publish the same research in more than one journal.




1. Title of the thesis in Spanish and English.

2. Author of the thesis

3. Director or Directors of the thesis

4. PhD program

5. Date of exposure and defense

6. Venue

7. University, Faculty and Department of realization

8. Country

9. Qualification obtained

10. Extension 9000 characters / 10000 with composite spaces (three A4, with font type Times New Roman 10) where it is recorded:

  • approach,
  • methodology,
  • results and;
  • conclusions.

11. Five keywords in Spanish and English.



1. Title of the book reviewed.

2. Author / s, coordinator / -es ... or other mentions of responsibility.

3. City and in parentheses of the country where it is published.

4. Editorial

5. Publication year

6. Number of pages

6. ISBN of the reviewed version.

  • Example:      Sevillano García, María Luisa. «Didáctica en el siglo XXI: ejes en el aprendizaje y enseñanza de calidad». Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2004. 389 pp. ISBN: 84-7991-129-8.

7. Extension 6000 characters (an A4, with font type Times New Roman 10)


8. Scanned cover or original copy, in PNG, jpg, tif or other format commonly used to more than 300 ppp.

The authors who want to review works appropriate to the theme of this journal, will only send the text with the technical characteristics indicated above.


Publishers who want to review a book must send a copy of the work free of charge to the editor's address: María Luisa Sevillano García - UNED. Education Faculty. Juan del Rosal Street 14. Office 215/28040 Madrid (Spain).

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.