Presence and relevance of popular games in the Boletín de la Institucion Libre de Enseñanza


The objective of this article is to analyse the presence of the popular game in the Boletín de la Institución Libre de Enseñanza. To do this, a systematic search and a historical-pedagogical analysis of articles is made where the content of the game and the popular game are represented and described by different authors of national and international relevance. The bile stands as a platform for the dissemination of the epistemological debate of new sciences and disciplines that experienced its take-off during the 19th century, such as Folklore, in whose space the existence of the popular game was protected. This contributes to revitalize the image of the bile as a historical-educational source.
  • Referencias
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Cáceres-Muñoz, J. (2020). Presence and relevance of popular games in the Boletín de la Institucion Libre de Enseñanza. Historia De La Educación, 38, 77–99.


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Author Biography

Jorge Cáceres-Muñoz

Universidad de Extremadura
Universidad de Extremadura