Instructing about recreation: Alcocer and the moderation of the XVI, key in education for the game


In the year 1559 Francisco de Alcocer, Franciscan friar, wrote a treatise on the game. The intention of the friar is none other than to instruct and bring order in a matter that caused so much damage in the society of the xvi. Games in general, but especially those of chance, due to their great diffusion and the excessiveness of the bets, will bring with them the existence of various laws, both canonical and civil. All these laws will lend themselves to great confusion as to the interpretation of them. The reasoning of the different jurors hold opposing positions, since the game is always lawful, that cannot be performed without mortal sin. Moderation will be the cornerstone that will dictate the permissibility of playful practice.
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López De Prado Ortiz-Arce, I. (2020). Instructing about recreation: Alcocer and the moderation of the XVI, key in education for the game. Historia De La Educación, 38, 59–76.


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Ignacio López De Prado Ortiz-Arce

Universidad de Salamanca
Universidad de Salamanca