From the aluche to the Leonese wrestling, from the game to the sport. Past, present and future of the only sport cataloged as of Cultural Interest. The educational environment as a center that preserves its practice

  • José Antonio Robles Tascón
    Universidad de León ?[at]
  • Diego Soto García
    Universidad de León


The purpose of this text is to show the historical background of what a game was and how it has become a sport today. This study will identify the transcendence of Leon’s struggle in Leon’s society until it is declared as the only sport of Cultural Interest. We will describe how it is wrestling today. We will make a reference to the normative scope that protects this sport activity. We will teach the possibilities offered by the educational field for its implementation. We will make proposals to preserve the practice at school ages.
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Robles Tascón, J. A., & Soto García, D. (2020). From the aluche to the Leonese wrestling, from the game to the sport. Past, present and future of the only sport cataloged as of Cultural Interest. The educational environment as a center that preserves its practice. Historia De La Educación, 38, 351–373.


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Author Biographies

José Antonio Robles Tascón

Universidad de León
Universidad de León

Diego Soto García

Universidad de León
Universidad de León