The popular four corners game: 30 variants to regain its use in 21st century education

  • Jordi Brasó Rius
    Universidad de Barcelona jbrasorius[at]
  • Xavier Torrebadella Flix
    Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona


The recovery of historical memory has to be a priority in 21st century society if you do not want to lose your identity. In this line, the object of study of this work is the popular game of the four corners. Specifically, it is intended to keep this playful activity alive and that it is erased in the minds of the young. To this end and based on a methodology focused on the analysis of the main written works, around the nineteenth and early twentieth century, the bases are established to propose modifications. From here, and as a result, we have developed 30 variants of the game. The purpose is to offer an example of the multiple options, in this case of the four corners, to keep alive the flame of the tradition, although adapting it to the present day.
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Brasó Rius, J., & Torrebadella Flix, X. (2020). The popular four corners game: 30 variants to regain its use in 21st century education. Historia De La Educación, 38, 155–177.


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Author Biographies

Jordi Brasó Rius

Universidad de Barcelona
Universidad de Barcelona

Xavier Torrebadella Flix

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona