Historical background of traditional games and sports through Segovian culture


The present article is born with the intention of showing a retrospective vision of the traditional games and sports, rooted in the oral tradition, of a province like Segovia with a lot of historical weight within the Iberian Peninsula.The first line of research shows us how the practice, culture and folklore related to these practices have a common link: Be part of a wide network of royal canyons, Cañada Segoviana and the Occidental Cañada Leonesa, both communicated in the «Vera de la Sierra» canyon.The second line of research would be around the economy of the Mesta, the transhumance and the marketing of cloth. As a source of cultural transmission on a peninsular level.We will finish with a classification and reflection on the pedagogical resources that can facilitate us the teaching work from the school and its federated sport as the true exposition of what was and should be its practice.
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Jiménez Vaquerizo, E. (2020). Historical background of traditional games and sports through Segovian culture. Historia De La Educación, 38, 127–154. https://doi.org/10.14201/hedu201938127154


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Author Biography

Enrique Jiménez Vaquerizo

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid