Secularization in Primary Education during Second Republic


City Councils were the chosen institutions to apply a relevant number of educational measures taken by Republican Government. And through the study of these institutions, we can see the substitution process of religious education in the primary school. However, development of studies about local corporations has not been very prolific. In the other hand, a good number of monographs about educational matters were written. These ones besides documentary collections still unpublished will show us how were carried secularization attempts on education. As we will see opposition of Catholic sector, lack of resources (mainly economic ones) and government apathy during second republican biennium denied education being a government exclusive jurisdiction with secular nature.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
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Vicente Sánchez, H. (2017). Secularization in Primary Education during Second Republic. Historia De La Educación, 36, 301–320.


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Author Biography

Héctor Vicente Sánchez

Universidad de Zaragoza
Universidad de Zaragoza, España.