Technical education of seafarers in Spain: an historical review


This review discusses the historical evolution of nautical education in Spain. In the Modern Age there are two distinct phases in the technical training of seafarers: Medieval guild, usually host under a religious patronage, formed as confraternities of tradesmen, a character maintained for the first two centuries of the West Indies Fleet; and a later stage, which we call institutional phase, coincident in time with the Age of Enlightenment. In the nineteenth century these teachings became competition to the Commerce Consulate, and finally, in the twentieth century Nautical schools are integrated within the Spanish universities as higher technical education.
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Piniella, F. (2017). Technical education of seafarers in Spain: an historical review. Historia De La Educación, 36, 229–252.


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Author Biography

Francisco Piniella

Universidad de Cádiz
Universidad de Cádiz, España.