The contribution of Philipp Melanchthon, Praeceptor Germaniae, to language and education. Between European humanist culture and German reform


Although Melanchthon could be described as an eminent man, nevertheless, he is neither sufficiently known, translated, nor studied outside Germany. Melanchthon’s thoughts about language and education were not limited to showing their importance. He went further than this, because he worried greatly about the didactic use of both. His fundamental concern to improve language learning focused on classical languages, especially Latin, without this supposing turning his back on vernacular languages, German in this case. The fact that for Melanchthon humanities and the great writers of antiquity were his main concern, explain the public recognition Germany gave in naming him Praeceptor Germaniae.
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Monreal Pérez, J. L. (2017). The contribution of Philipp Melanchthon, Praeceptor Germaniae, to language and education. Between European humanist culture and German reform. Historia De La Educación, 36, 207–228.


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Author Biography

Juan Luis Monreal Pérez

Universidad de Murcia
Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación. Universidad de Murcia, España.