Transnational and compared history. Thinking about the self and the others


This paper reflects on the traditional model of history of education, very focused on the document and the archive, and suggests a metatheory of the history of education based on the transnational and comparative dimension. The base of reflection is the community of historians of education in the USA, but the reflection reaches universally the entire scientific community, promoting a transnational and comparative reading of historical studies on the school and educational systems around the world.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Popkewitz, T. (2017). Transnational and compared history. Thinking about the self and the others. Historia De La Educación, 36, 189–205.


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Author Biography

Thomas Popkewitz

Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison
Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison. Wisconsin, Estados Unidos de América.