In-competence of the occi-neo-liberal’s university: From the dreams of Quintiliano to the nightmares of Michel de Montaigne


The competences are missing in the pedagogical literature up to the Washington Consensus. They arise as an economic concept in the thinking of the French Physiocrats and specifically in The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith. Text where it emphasizes the association of the concept of individual and human resources. This attempt to profitable education is not new and has an interesting precedent in the transition from the Republic to the Roman Empire. The liberal educational system is born in the Institutes of Oratory of Quintilian and will reappear during the Renaissance through the Studium Generale Universitas. The essays of Michel de Montaigne and the dead end of humanism show us how the Bologna Process has deep roots in the memory of the occident to service the budgets of manufacture, capitalism, liberalism and currently of neoliberal globalization.
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