Classroom songs in Spain between 1900 and 1936. A contribution to the historical study of musical education


This work is focused on the study and analysis of nursery and primary school songs in Spain in the period from 1900 to 1936 and the education in music received by teachers through the music teaching methods at the ‘Normal Schools’, as teachers’ colleges were called. The musical and educational characteristics of these compositions, and how teachers were taught to use them in the classroom, are determined through methods of analysis and comparison. The conclusions reached provide a detailed understanding of classroom songs, their features and their learning difficulties, highlighting the importance of these minor works in primary education, as well as teachers’ poor musical knowledge regarding how to use them.
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De La Vega Sestelo, C. (2015). Classroom songs in Spain between 1900 and 1936. A contribution to the historical study of musical education. Historia De La Educación, 34, 263–287.


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Author Biography

Consuelo De La Vega Sestelo

Universidad de Salamanca
Universidad de Salamanca. Departamento de Educación Musical, Plástica y Corporal