Doctrinal and devotional literature in schools of Spanish Baroque. The Memento mori as a school subject


The influence of the Counter-Reformation is fundamental to deal the educational models of the late sixteenth century and Baroque. The religious education became the main focus of the primary schools. It is for that reason that materials for reading and writing include texts from doctrinal and devotional works. In the Baroque, because of his particular vision of life, are enriched with reflections on death and worldly vanity. This article aims to analyze the main calligraphy manuals of the period to find this moralizing purpose in exercises for students, tracking the sources and the pedagogical principle followed by their authors.
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Salido López, J. V. (2015). Doctrinal and devotional literature in schools of Spanish Baroque. The Memento mori as a school subject. Historia De La Educación, 34, 221–243.


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