On the side of Barrabas or on the side of Christ. The harassment again the secular private schools in Spain, 1880-1910


The introduction of secular education in Spain from the eighties in the nineteenth century will come from the hand of associations linked to freethinking and masonry, of Republican groups, and of anarchist groups. Since its inception, its development was extremely difficult. Funding was not readily available for premises, nor was for teachers or appropriate textbooks. But, above all, proponents of the secular school will soon have to face systematic harassment by the Spanish Church, social groups and the Conservatives who, at all levels, will oppose a fierce resistance to the timid and limited attempts of secularization in the Spanish social life. In that effort, the secular school should have played an important role, which will, in fact, be severely limited by the small number of secular schools put in place in Spain.
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Lázaro Lorente, L. M. (2013). On the side of Barrabas or on the side of Christ. The harassment again the secular private schools in Spain, 1880-1910. Historia De La Educación, 31, 209–230. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/tres/index.php/0212-0267/article/view/9385


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Author Biography

Luis Miguel Lázaro Lorente

Universidad de Valencia
Educación Comparada e Historia de la Educación. Universidad de Valencia. Av. Blasco Ibáñez, treinta. 46100 – Valencia (España)