Factors affecting dropout rates for teacher training courses in the first third of the twentieth in the Cordoba teacher training schools’


The aim of this paper is to determine which variables affected the dropout rate for the academic curricula applied in 1903, 1914 and 1931. The application of the quantitative methodology to the History of the Education is limited, but it opens new options of investigation. The tool used to compile information was a questionnaire applied to a stratified sample of 618 subjects. Statistical inference was used to prove or disprove the hypotheses. The results revolved around the conditioning factors that affected the students, for example gender (52% and 48% for male and female students, respectively), 51.6% of the students followed an official curriculum, and the dropout rate was 45%. The findings indicate that the dropout rate was influenced by the gender, the curriculum studied and the mode of teaching chosen.
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Ramírez García, A. (2013). Factors affecting dropout rates for teacher training courses in the first third of the twentieth in the Cordoba teacher training schools’. Historia De La Educación, 31, 189–208. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/tres/index.php/0212-0267/article/view/9384


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Author Biography

Antonia Ramírez García

Universidad de Córdoba
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de Córdoba . Avda. San Alberto Magno s/n. - 14071-Córdoba (España)