The Madrid Royal Schools of St. Elisabeth and Loreto according Constitutions of 1715 and 1718


The Madrid Royal Schools of Saint Elizabeth and Loreto were founded by Philip II at the end of 16th Century. Both institutions provided education for orphan girls. They still exist as Catholic coeducational schools granted by the Education Department. These two Schools were Royal Sponsorship belonging to Palace ecclesiastical jurisdiction. The Schools Constitutions sanctioned by Philip V have been preserved until now. Although these Schools have a parallel history, the mentioned Constitutions are completely different for each School. According to these Norms, the Madrid Royal Schools of Saint Elizabeth and Loreto have many differences between them.
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Comella Gutiérrez, B. (2013). The Madrid Royal Schools of St. Elisabeth and Loreto according Constitutions of 1715 and 1718. Historia De La Educación, 31, 167–187. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Beatriz Comella Gutiérrez

Facultad de Educación – UNED. C/ Juan del Rosal, 14 - 28040 Madrid (España)