Academic disciplines in the «Quixote» or «siendo de toda imposibilidad imposible»


In Don Quixote you can find the university life and all the disciplines of the trivium and quadrivium, as well as law studies, medicine and theology. In addition, knowledge of these disciplines are not vulgar, but typical of someone who has studied them in depth. Moreover, we are sure that Cervantes did not attend any university and could not devote himself to studying if the characteristics of his life are taken into account. This discrepancy has been noticed by many researchers. This paper concludes that Cervantes could not write a book full of all Greco-Roman and biblical wisdom.
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Calero Calero, F. (2013). Academic disciplines in the «Quixote» or «siendo de toda imposibilidad imposible». Historia De La Educación, 31, 33–51. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Francisco Calero Calero

Facultad de Filología. UNED. Calle de la Senda del Rey, 7 / C.P.: 28041 – Madrid (España)