Conformation and control of Moroccan education system: from French Protectorate to Independence


The running and organization of the education system of a country are a reflection of the social system which is immersed. That is one of the most useful tools used by the society and the established power to transmit their values and maintain its status quo, favoring its cohesion, continuity and permanence. Through the Protectorate, the French government tried to seize the Moroccan people controlling the economy, society, education, etc. To achieve this purpose he used various means, including the education system. It imposed a series of reforms tending to perpetuate its rule, strengthening their power and hegemony. With the independence, the power changes and, therefore, their interests and aims. It is introduced a new dynamic school, which is not beyond the previous system. Some aspects are taken as reference, to imitate or eliminate, to build the new school system. On this basis, the newly established monarchy exercised their power taking into account the new balance of forces, and incorporating as emerging element a nationalist perspective, based on an ideology rooted in Arab-Islamic traditions.
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Llorent Bedmar, V. (2012). Conformation and control of Moroccan education system: from French Protectorate to Independence. Historia De La Educación, 30, 91–109. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Vicente Llorent Bedmar

Universidad de Sevilla
Teoría e Historia de la Educación y Pedagogía Social. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. C/ Pirotecnia, s/n. C.P: 41013 – Sevilla (España)