Gabon education system, from independence to our days (1960-2010)


The implementation of the education system in Gabon, as in other African countries, born of the school intervention of the missionaries, with religiously oriented educational projects and assimilation into Western culture of the colonial power itself. France is the dominant reference for this West Central African country. Since independence in 1960 Gabon’s educational model is still adopting the French in all its structures, from primary school to university, despite the different adaptations undertaken, especially since they Généraux États de l’Éducation, 1983.
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Eyeang, E. (2012). Gabon education system, from independence to our days (1960-2010). Historia De La Educación, 30, 63–77. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Eugénie Eyeang

École Normale Supérieure
Maître Assistant en Didactique des Langues. École Normale Supérieure (ENS, CRAAL, Libreville-Gabón). BP 17009, Libreville (Gabón)