School, society and policy on the island of Reunion. Residual of a French colony to a European outermost region


This paper analize the evolution of the colonialist French school policy in the island of Reunion, Indic Ocean, with a slave structure from the I Empire. Studies the first official efforts for the people schooling with the contribution of the religious congregations. Their proposal was the cultural assimilation. Later, the French Third Republic encreases secular assimilation policy. Finally, from 1946, the Reunion Island remains one of the first French empire, and begins to be administrative department of France, and remoteness becomes European territory. It concludes by studying the progress made in the first school, secondary and higher education, in the island of Reunion.
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Lucas, R. (2012). School, society and policy on the island of Reunion. Residual of a French colony to a European outermost region. Historia De La Educación, 30, 45–62. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Raoul Lucas

Université de La Réunion
Faculte des Lettres et Sciences Humaines. 15, avenue René Cassin. 97 715 Saint Denis Messag Cedex (La Réunion)