Independence and education in Central America: José Cecilio del Valle’s Report on education (1829)
Abstract The Honduran José Cecilio del Valle (1777-1834) is the most prominent thinker from the historical time of the Independence of Central America and one of its key political actors. Valle was one of the great promulgators of the Enlightenment in the Kingdom of Guatemala. His interests included rationalist philosophy, experimental science, the doctrines of liberalism, and the theories of political economy. But what mostly stands out from his thought is his concern for education, which according to him was the foundation of human progress and good governance. His thoughts on this field are brought to light in the pamphlet entitled Report on education, published in Guatemala in 1829. An excerpt of the report, in which he proposes a plan for the organization of primary education, is herewith transcribed.
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Acuña Ortega, V. H. (2011). Independence and education in Central America: José Cecilio del Valle’s Report on education (1829). Historia De La Educación, 29, 307–315. Retrieved from
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