The School and the Prize. «The enlightened programme of Manuel Belgrano»: Means of promoting agriculture, encourage industry and protecting commerce in an agricultural country (1796)


The Argentine educational historiography considers the document that we present as a fundamental piece to exemplify the educational ideas and proposals of the Enlightened Movement in «Río de la Plata». The relationship between education and the State; education, work, and economy; women education; utilitarianism; are some of the topics identified in the Report which is commented. This pedagogical thought boosted by Belgrano had continuity in his journalistic writings and in the proposals and achievements during his public intervention as a royal official and as a revolutionary leader. The political leading role of Belgrano facilitates the enquiry on the elements of continuity and pedagogical rupture —and not only pedagogical— between the Enlightenment and the Independence movements. The complexity and eclecticism of his thought are not usually considered by the educational historiography.
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Bottarini, R. (2011). The School and the Prize. «The enlightened programme of Manuel Belgrano»: Means of promoting agriculture, encourage industry and protecting commerce in an agricultural country (1796). Historia De La Educación, 29, 285–305. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Roberto Bottarini

Universidad Nacional de Luján
Universidad Nacional de Luján. Departamento de Educación: 02323 422485 Interno: 293. Luján - Argentina - CC: 6700 Cruce de Ruta Nac nº5 y Av Constituyente (Argentina).