Deaf-mute teaching during the Spanish 2nd Republic period. A historical view


Deaf-mute teaching during the Spanish 2nd Republic period is an issue which has never been studied in depth consideration and some of its aspects have been not even touched by any research. We could say that deaf-mute education is granted with the characteristics found in general education, at least regarding this specific stage, mainly: economic and budget thoughtful following effort by the governments, methodological renovation, modernization of the educative system, spreading of the school-net, teachers’ formation, etcetera. However it is true that we can fin a very strict-stated idiosyncrasy, which sometimes turns out to be even controversial, not only due to the opposition of different political parties in power during different 2-years periods (31/37 and 34/35), but also because of the republican-socialist governments decisions regarding educative policy. The Republican legacy consists actually much more in documentary facts than in actual realisations, and will have much more application within that political regime that follows and annihilates the Republic than within the period of the Republic itself. The consideration of primary sources (both legal and documental) is the base that supports the final conclusions that are provided by means of this exposition.
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Alcina Madueño, A. (2011). Deaf-mute teaching during the Spanish 2nd Republic period. A historical view. Historia De La Educación, 29, 221–239. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Alfredo Alcina Madueño

Comunidad de Madrid
Consejería de Educación y Empleo. C/ Alcalá, 30 – 32. 28014 – Madrid (España)